Friday, May 30, 2008
A pleasant day!

A glittering day

Rebecca arrived at the crack, the very crack of dawn for our outing today. The first thing I noticed was her vibrantly white shoes. Glittering as snowfall at noon. Being her mother, I felt compelled to point this out, and she assured me that she was quite aware of their whiteness, and that was why we were going for a walk in the Arboretum today – to break them of their glistening pallor. We would walk in the mud and grime and this would give them a more natural look. We did walk in the Arboretum, more specifically, the Japanese Tea Garden. It was as lovely as ever, but there was no mud to be found. So the shoes stayed white. We went to the garden store – no mud there, but we both got some nice plants, and then to a tea drinking establishment – none there either, but they did have yummy lavender buns and jasmine tea. We went to a far flung branch of the library where we found books that we don’t see at our usual branches, but as expected, no mud at all. Then we went to the Family Kitchen where we serve dinner to the neighborhood needy every Thursday, and who should one of the guests be but the creepy man. I wasn’t totally sure it was he, so I asked Rebecca to check out his shoes. She did. “They are remarkably white!” she said. It was him.

Incidentally, washing this huge pile of dishes did the trick on the shoes. They are still white, but a nice creamier white, no longer bedazzling the onlooker.
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
An earthy day

Well, after the near tomatocide event and the near exhaustion digging event, there are some tomatoes planted in my garden. Tom came on Thursday and we were going to do the whole thing that day, but just the shopping was too much for us. (Any shopping at all is usually too much for me, and this shopping was particularly traumatic! See below for particulars.) So we dug a bit and were exhausted, and then I dug some more the next day and was exhausted. Then we were going to finish digging on Saturday. When Saturday came, I felt ill and so mainly watched the manly Tom dig. However, once again we were exhausted - him from digging, me from watching all that work. We still weren’t done, and so dug some more on Sunday. And of course were exhausted but exuberant. Now, I’ll wager that you are exhausted from just reading about it!

Sunday, May 25, 2008
A doggy day

When Rebecca moved into her new apartment, she was not allowed to have dogs, and also, she works twelve hour days – not conducive to doggy happiness. So, she sadly relinquished custody of Margaret to Rachael and I. This was traumatic for both Rebecca and Margaret, I think, because I often felt that Rebecca loved Margaret better than her own mother (me), and Margaret definitely loves Rebecca best. She is ecstatic whenever Rebecca comes to visit her or when we have occasional outings together. I was sitting in the kitchen thinking about this, and feeling guilty because I do not shower the attention on Margaret that her mother Rebecca does. I feed her, walk her, pet her, let her sleep in my bed, cuddle her in the night, but it is not the same. Michael the cat is my boy and I think Margaret suspects this. Anyhow, I was feeling guilty, so I decided to thoroughly brush Margaret in order to assuage my guilt. I don’t think Margaret thought this was adequate atonement, but nonetheless, the results were astonishing. As you can see, there is enough hair to make another whole dog. Michael is unimpressed!
Friday, May 23, 2008
An incredibly klutzy day

I have hopes that today will be better, as it is
These pictures are from the day in the park with
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
A horticulutral day

Monday, May 19, 2008
A lovely day

*The dressing had orange juice and pale miso in it, and I can’t remember what else, but it was out of this world. I love dressing on everything if I like the dressing, but there are very few that I like. And I can’t make any of them. Actually, I finally perfected one (honey mustard) that I like but it is nothing near as good as this one.
Sunday, May 18, 2008
A devilish hot day

Yesterday was fiendishly hot! The main agenda item for the day was purchasing and planting infant tomatoes. This had seemed like a good idea earlier in the week when it was cool, if not raining. However, yesterday the weather was lovely at dawn, and this always bodes ill for the afternoon. We got a late start, and then I was whiney about even going to the tomato plant store because I knew it would hideously hot, there would be nowhere to park, and the staff would be snotty. (This latter impression lingers from when the place opened thirty years ago and was manned by a bunch of viragos who for some reason did not like me, although they all fawned over Rebecca. They are totally different people there now, but some things smart forever!) To my dismay, after all my whining and negativity, there actually was a place to park and the staff was pleasant and helpful, but, since it was late in the day, relatively speaking – those gardeners are earlybirds – the tomatoes we wanted were mostly gone. So I cleverly said, “Let’s wait till Thursday when the weather will be nice and we can get an early start.” Always put off till tomorrow what you can’t bear the thought of doing today. We made yummy soup – minestrone verde – a soup which I like to make when the first spring vegetables appear. We had tomato salad with it. The tomatoes, which looked lovely in the store and cost a fortune, were pretty pallid. This makes me eager to get those tomato plants going even if the weather is furiously hot. There re few things tastier than a nice tomato.
My friend had cajoled me into to being an usherette at an Opus 7 concert last evening. Because of the above (horrid weather, whiney ennui, etc.) I was not very enthusiastic about venturing out, but since I had said I would help out, I flogged myself (and Tom who didn’t need flogging) out the door. The concert was beyond fabulous! It was entitled “Spring Folly” and was supposed to be witty. Well, it actually was quite witty. There were pieces ranging from Thomas Morley to Britten and Ives and on to never before heard pieces. This group sings unbelievable harmony with perfection. Their choice of music is always tasteful and interesting. If you ever have a chance to hear them, grab it firmly.
Thursday, May 15, 2008
A creepy day

Tuesday, May 13, 2008
A gratifying day

I have absolutely nothing interesting to report. In fact, at work this evening, two of my friends and I had an argument about whose life was most boring. We never did settle on the answer. I am sure I was the winner, at least for the last few days. A Pyrrhic victory. Actually, Mother’s Day was not boring at all. So maybe I was not the winner. I got up at 4:30am to cook little Turkish breads and make deviled eggs for choir treats at the 10:00 Mass. Everything turned out nicely, thanks largely to Rebecca who gave me the menu, the recipes, and was available for technical advise at 4:45 a.m. The recipe for the Turkish breads left a bit more to the imagination than the recipes in The Bread Bible. I forgot to stretch them, despite the fact that the recipe specifically said to, and Rebecca even reminded me. So they were little puffy pillows rather than flattish cushions. Nonetheless, they were a success as were my overcooked rubbery deviled eggs. I wish I had taken a photo to show you, but I was in a state of nervous frenzy. I considered taking a picture of all the dirty dishes generated by this project - it would have been impressive - but to protect the innocent (me), I didn’t . Actually, they have been washed but are still sitting there in the kitchen. In the evening Rachael and I picked up Rebecca and my aunt and had a pleasant outing to Jamjuree (our favorite Thai restaurant) for dinner.
Knitwise, I have done mostly nothing. I just seem to go to sleep at all the potential knitting times. Sigh! Heavy sigh, in fact. Here is a pair of socks I finished recently. I made them from stash yarn which had no label. I am pretty sure it was Trekking. The pattern is my own, and one of my more successful, I think.
Friday, May 9, 2008
A frustrating day

Monday, May 5, 2008
A weary day

I have done nothing but work and clean house since I got back. I haven’t done a drop of knitting or reading. It is sad. Tomorrow is a day off, and I am going to mow the lawn. That is even more sad.
On a somewhat happier note, here is a bit of knitting for my soi-disant knitting blog which never has any knitting in it. I started this glove quite some time ago, and became discouraged because it seemed to have great potential for ugliness and promised to be too small as well. I let it lie fallow for a while, and then took it to