Wednesday, July 16, 2008

A not so happy day

My friend Tom, whom my faithful few readers will know, has had leukemia for several years, but it has been under control. However, in the last few weeks it has suddenly gone over the top. I took him to the emergency room on Sunday evening, and he was admitted to a monitored unit (i.e. for very sick patients), and now is on the cancer floor. Earlier on Sunday, I went to Rebecca’s house for dinner (see below) leaving my friend John to watch Tom. When I returned, Tom looked so terrible that I insisted that we go to the hospital right then. He had been reluctant to go all day, but by this time, had reached the point of being to weak to argue with me. While staying with Tom, John prepared a lovely bouquet for Tom from flowers from my garden. Unfortunately, I am the only one enjoying it. Please keep Tom in your prayers.

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