Friday, February 22, 2008

A birthday couple of days

Unfortunately, both Rachael’s mom and I had to work on Wednesday, her actual birthday, so we are really celebrating on Saturday. Despite, or perhaps because of that, it has become a movable and protracted feast. On Wednesday, Rachael and I went to lunch on my way to work, and she went to dinner with her Rebecca on her way home from work. In between, she went to Lillian’s house and celebrated with Lillian and her mom. Today, Rebecca is fixing a birthday dinner for her and Lillian, and tomorrow, I will fix a birthday dinner to which the aunts, her mom, and some other friends will come.

Here are a few of the presents she has gotten so far – lovely anemones from her Granddenny, beauty luxuries from Lillian and Melinda, and a computer thing from me. The card represents a coupon for a haircut. Now I am off to work on the cake. Pray for success – I have not made a cake in many, many years.

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