Last evening was the Easter Vigil, a most ancient and wonderful liturgy. It began outside the cathedral with the sacred Easter fire from which the Paschal candle was lit and carried through the cathedral, then quite as dark as the inside of a cow. The choir had to feel its collective way through the blackness to the other end and the choir stalls. Since there are many subtle and not so subtle obstacles on the way, and I have no night vision, this aspect of the evening is always a little terrifying. The cathedral remains lit only by candles for the readings and psalms. All told, the service was over three hours long, but with the wonderful readings, chants, and motets, the time flew by. We got home at nearly midnight, and were back in the morning for two more Masses.

What a transition – from the dark of the Vigil to the golden of the Easter morning. And, as we were in the choir, we had guaranteed seats! By the afternoon Easter Vesper service, pictured here, we were beginning to seriously flag. The wonder of this lovely liturgy kept us going. By the evening Mass, however, we were a bouquet of wilted flowers, drooping and pining for our beds. Thanks to
Corinna for the photographs of the vesper service.
What a long but beautiful Easter week you had!
What beautiful pictures! Happy Easter:)!!!
And yes, He is indeed risen as He said:)!!! (had to look that one up - shame on me!)
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