Several years ago, my sister-in-law painted some gourds as gifts for my aunties and me. I had one of them, which seemed to be a potential birdhouse, hanging on my back porch – waiting for an occupant who never came. Until this year, that is. Yesterday, I noticed the gourd swinging a bit, even though there was no breeze, and then I noticed some twigs protruding from its little entryway. Then I noticed swift flit of grey. “Maybe it is a bird,” I thought, “but probably an English sparrow.” I have to admit that I am a speciesist when it comes to birds, and English sparrows, while kind of cute, are low on my list. Common little creatures that they are! Then I noticed that the grey streak had a long beak and a perky tail! A wren! Very high on my list! Maybe even at the top of it.

I was thrilled. Now I have to pray that the feline viper Maria doesn’t scare it away. Or worse yet, (quelle horreur)
eat it! She has been sitting on the kitchen table staring out the window at it for hours at a time.
This is one of your greatest posts ever! What a briliant photo!!! How cool for your new friend to pose for you, now the little bird is famous! :-)
So cute! You'd better keep that wretch off the porch!
what a sweet little birdhouse! How did you ever get a picture of that wren - you must be quiet and have a steady hand (hope so!).
Lovely post!
Take care and rest up for Holy Week!
Aaah spring and sweet little birds. Such a great picture! I haven't been to your blog for a while. So now settling in with coffee and snack in hand to peruse the past intriguing pictures and no doubt entertaining stories!
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