My friend Suzanne was going to come have lunch with me today, as was Rebecca, but Suzanne had an emergency and couldn’t come. I thought that was that, but Rebecca said we should have lunch anyway. So I fixed grissini which I had never made before, and barley soup which I have made often, and Rebecca made us a nice tomato and nectarine salad. The grissini were easy and fun. The cookbook said they would take about four hours, and that was pretty accurate. I mixed them up, let them flop around in the Kitchen Aide, then rise for an hour or so, and then I shaped them into sticks and cooked them. As you can see, they are rather cute, and were tasty.
3 days ago
They are cute! What cool bread! Did you like my Salal Mazurkas? :-)
Were they a success at the party?
Rachael said your bread sticks rocked. And they look like they did!
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