My Aunt Pauline had a lump that looked like a big cyst in her wrist, and her fingers were always getting numb. Was there a connection? No doubt. I told her to go to a hand surgeon. So she called her doctor and said she wanted to be referred to a hand surgeon. “I can take care of it,” he said, so she went to him so he could take care of it. “Hmmmmm,” he said. ”I don’t want to mess with that! You had better go to a surgeon.” “How about a hand surgeon?” she asked. “No, he said, “A regular surgeon can take care of it.” So she went to the regular surgeon. “Hmmmmm,” he said.” I don’t want to mess with that! You had better go to a hand surgeon,” the regular surgeon said. So he referred her to a hand surgeon. My aunt probably said something like “Grrrrr!” The hand surgeon said, "Numb fingers, eh?" and did some sort of carpal tunnel surgery. The numbness is gone, but the lump is still there. Her dressing looked a bit like something Joe Palooka might wear, and the stitches impressive, too. The hand surgeon did a good job.
3 days ago
Get your aunt a small pen-like laser, similar to those used by an acupuncturist or a PT, or get her to someone to do the laser after it has healed to help prevent the resultant scar tissue and the inevitable recurrence of the nerve entrapment syndrome.
Eleanor White,
Chiropractor (and knitter, who loves your blog) in Markham, Ontario up in Canada
So glad she FINALLY got the right care (grrrrr)
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