I can’t believe that Rachael is twenty. It was only a few months ago that she was a tiny infant – and as you can see, an adorable infant. Her birthday was during Great Music, so we celebrated a few days late. Rebecca cooked a fabulous dinner, and the guests (the Aunties and Lillian) didn’t even notice that it was vegan. Everyone behaved well, somewhat to the disappointment of Rebecca and me. We always enjoy little contretemps as long as we are observers and not personally involved. Then we have fodder for happy reminiscences and gossip later on. One year we speculated at length who would be the one to spill wine on the tablecloth, and decided who it would most be the most likely offender. Then about two minutes into the meal, Rebecca knocked over her wine glass while dishing out the food. We both collapsed into laughter, but dared not tell anyone what

was so funny about spilled wine. Are we not evil? I think perhaps yes.
Here Rachael is in her Edward Hopper hat, purchased at the exhibit noted below. She prefers to think of it as her Edna St. Vincent Millay hat. Très chic, n’est-ce pas?
What adorable pictures of past and present Rachael! How fun that you share a sense of humor that can send you both into gales of laughter!!
Hahahaha. The red wine story is very funny. The dinner was really good- one of the best. Also, a long time ago, I remember Rachael requesting baked spaghetti for her birthday dinners. I always liked that, too.
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