Today was to be the day that Tom’s house finally was to be sold. I had to get up at an ungodly hour and make my way to the ferry terminal and sail across the sound to sign the papers. I awoke about four in the morning to see that it was snowing. Horrors! That would definitely complicate my trip down town. I live on top of a hill, so the least bit of snow intimidates the buses and they refuse to come this way. I had to decide whether to wait for a bus, and potentially miss the ferry if there was no bus, or to walk to the ferry terminal. I went back to sleep undecided. When I woke up, there was enough snow to possibly, but not definitely, deter a bus, and so I decided to walk. Happily, my walk was uneventful. I had agonized about which knitting to take to work on during the trip, as there was some reason not to take each of my current projects. I finally opted for my
Knitpicks Andes hat. Just as we were approaching the harbor on the other side, I realized that I had made a fatal knitting error. I didn’t notice until I got all the way to the little alpacas, and then when the last alpaca had too many stitches trailing after him, I saw that I had cast on about five extras. I counted as I cast on, but then didn’t ever count the total. All this was not auspicious. Barry, the real estate agent, met me at the ferry, took m to the title company, and I signed the papers. It was all pretty painless, particularly given all the other pains this estate process has involved. I was thrilled that this bit of it was over. On the way back, I undid the hat. When I got home, I realized I had forgotten my house keys, as Rachael had let me out and locked the door. My aunt, who has a key, didn’t answer her phone, but that didn’t mean much. Fortunately, she was home, and I was able to use her key. I finally came in the door, tired, hungry, and crabby, to hear the phone ringing. There was a wrinkle in the house sale. He explained it all to me, but I didn’t take it in. What it really meant was that I couldn’t take a nap. Aaaaaaaaaak! More papers to be emailed to me, signed and emailed back. So now all seems to be well, but it is not over till it is over, and I get the check. I drank so much tea while waiting for the emails that my nap was a failure. I am going to give it another go now.
PS. As you can see by the picture, it was a glorious day in Bremerton.
I take it that harbour is where you live? How beautiful it is.
No, the harbor is where I rode the ferry across the Sound to. And indeed, it is beautiful.
Okay but it must still be near where you live if you walked there! It isn't miles away, no? That's what I meant, not that your home was in the harbour.
The ferry ride is an hour long, so Bremerton is sort of near, but not really. It is where Tom lived, so it is a place people can commute to. I walked to get on the ferry and got off in Bremerton where I took the picture. Seattle is on the water, and actually I could have taken a similar picture in Seattle, so you are right there. There are lots of islands that people live on and ride the ferrys to work every day. Fortunately, for me, I can walk to work every day. The ferry ride always exhausts me for some reason.
How wonderful that you can walk to work - it must keep you reasonably healthy! I love your pictures of Seattle-what a beautiful city!
Hope there aren't any more wrinkles in the sale! Real estate can be nerve-wracking especially these days!
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