A long awaited “first” happened last evening. Years ago, I saw a French movie – I believe one by
Eric Rohmer - in which the characters were talking about “the green ray” and trying to see it throughout the movie. I have hoped to see it every time I watch a sunset at sea, but alas, I’ve always missed it. It seems to be called the “
green flash” in these parts, but I have always thought of it as the green ray because of the movie. I was determined to see it this time, and there it was! It was tiny and green and bright. A flash and a line. In short, a flashy line. The movie characters said it was good luck to see it. I hope that is true.
Later, I lay on the couch snuggled up with
Vanity Fair until I drifted off to the land of Nod. However, I didn’t stay there very long. Nature called, so half asleep, I groggily staggered towards the bathroom. Everything was dark, and I hadn’t bothered to turn any lights on as I made my way. I had just reached my goal, when a great white thing loomed up right in front of me. I shriek

ed, and Dakki, who had been silent and stealthily answering a similar call, chortled with glee, delighted at the effect she had with her sudden appearance. She was still pleased with herself the next morning. I was so shattered that I never did go back to sleep.
We used to see the green flash when we lived in St. Lucia. Golden evenings at the beach when the children were small.
I have seen that movie! Only I remember "l'heure bleue" and have always been waiting to see it but have never gotten up early enough. When are you coming back? And have you run into Larry over there? He's been there the whole time you have.
I have seen the movie, too!!! Years ago, but have never seen the green ray myself.
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