Our dinner was sort of a surprise too. I prepared faro for the first time, and it turned out surprisingly soupy when I was expecting stewy. But no matter! I served it in bowls instead of on plates and it was yummy. I adapted (celery, carrots, and lots of mushrooms added) a recipe from my second favorite cooking blog (my top favorite is on my blog list to the right of this.) For dessert, I made cranberry frozen yogurt – also an adaptation from 101 Cookbooks. I used to put leftover cranberry sauce in plain yogurt for my work lunch, and it was very tasty. So I thought, why not make faux ice cream out of it. Here is my recipe:
Cranberry Sauce Frozen Yogurt
3 cups of full fat Greek yogurt,
¾ cup of sugar
½ cup of leftover cranberry sauce
Whirl all the ingredients in a blender, and then freeze them in your ice cream machine, according to its directions, whatever they may be. I use an old Donvier ice cream maker that Rebecca got at a thrift store, no doubt previously, someone’s unappreciated wedding present.
This is another slightly impressive dessert in minutes.

I eat a fair amount of yoghurt - live and Greek but low fat.I like the texture and the cultures are supposed to be good for you. Your food pics look scrummy as usual.
You flatterer!
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