The day before Thanksgiving I was changing the linen on my bed when suddenly the lights went out! I lit a candle and finished up. An hour or two later, there was a knock on the door. When I answered it, there was a man with a huge microphone and another man with a huge camera. They asked if they could interview me for a TV show about the blackout. I said “no,” and they asked why. I explained that I was shy and didn’t want to be on television. They were persistent, pretended I hadn’t objected, and interviewed me anyway. I said I didn’t want them to take my picture but they did that anyway as well. Margaret didn’t object at all to having her picture taken, so at first I hid behind her. Then I decided that I would appear even more foolish if I did that, so I gave in to the whole thing. I was hoping that I would wind up on the cutting room floor, and then thought no more about it. At Thanksgiving dinner, I did, however, tell the Aunties of my embarrassing experience, and that I felt like a real dodo. Rachael, who had been listening from her bedroom, piped in and said that I didn’t sound THAT dumb. Then today, another Auntie called Aunt Pauline to tell her I was on the telly, and Pauline called to tell me. So Rachael looked it up and here it is. You can see the adorable Margaret in action instead of just the usual photo. Fortunately, it is not too apparent that I have my pajamas on.
I was testing some facet of my camera and took this photo in my bed. Later, I realized that all my favorite time wasters are pictured – my book, my knitting, my crossword puzzle, and my computer peeking out of the corner. And a really close examination will surely reveal some Margaret hairs.
I can't believe it! I was JUST fetching the video to share with your bloggers, and then there it was already! Michele saw it live and jumped right out of her seat when she heard your name. You, your house, and Margaret all look very cute! :-)
Wow, Joanna, you and Margaret represented First Hill really well! But who did it? I'm dying to find out!!!
How cool! You're a TV star!
Fun to see you and Margaret live.
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