In the morning yesterday, I was in the brooding period, preparing for work, and knitting on my red and white Japanese gloves. I had made the first glove about a year ago, and not started the second because the first was not really comfortable. It was beautiful, but there was something amiss with its actual “glove-ness.” I decided to forge on and make the second one anyway, because I had the yarn, they didn’t take too long, I could wear them once in a while, etc., etc. Then, having gotten all the way to the baby finger, I was looking at the pattern which is in Japanese, and therefore not terribly informative, and at the glove, when I realized ……. I had made two rig

After all that brooding about gloves and work, I was on my way home last night, having gotten off the bus and walking along, thinking about the good time I was going to be having this weekend, when Splat! I tripped on a bump in the sidewalk and fell flat. I didn’t really hurt myself, I am happy to say, but I scraped my knee and ruined my hose. Today, I feel achy all over, but am looking forward to not brooding for 24 hours, except, of course, about the glove.
Those gloves look more Norwegian than Japanese!
They do, rather, don't they? They are derivative.
I was going to say, "How can you call it a yucky day after putting that beautiful glove up?" but then realized why! (It is rather nice, though!) Hope your knees are feeling better - bumping them is never fun! I feel your pain - on top of everything else, my right knee has decided to go on strike! AARRGGHH!!!
Are you all at least having some nicer weather?
Right now it is snowing. Luckily, it waited till we all got home. And I don't work tomorrow,so I don't mind it as long as it is gone by 2pm on Monday.
Well, madam, a wimp you are not!
those gloves are really nice and are worth finishing just for the artistry.
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