Bluebeard’s Castle by Bela Bartok! Creeeeepy! When she was very young, Rebecca had a book of Perrault’s Fairy Tales, and Bluebeard was her favorite story. And Bartok was her favorite composer. When she was a bit less young, she had a recording of the opera. It was terrible and whenever she played it, I got the serious creeps. Finally, I wouldn’t let her play it anymore when I was at home. It was really horrible. I thought that liking that awful music might be a sign of some serious character quirk - except that being the perfect girl, she doesn’t have any. So, when she saw Bluebeard on the Opera docket, she was thrilled! “When are we going?” she asked. “We’re not. I didn’t get tickets for that one.” She wheedled and cajoled, pointing out her lifelong love for Bluebeard. Of course I had to give in and get tickets. As expected, it was creepily brilliant. The lighting director was definitely one of the stars of the show. The stage setting was two sinister walls inside the castle, one with the seven doors, and the ligh

Here is a picture of the Opera Nuts, and my little opera nut in front of the opera nut display. And a picture of the two young men in

I thought the naked man was cute!
I recall a film abotu Bluebeard's Ghost that i enjoyed form my childhood. I must say though that I detest Opera. I have no idea why. If John watches it on TV or plays it on the cd, I leave the room. It really grates on my ears.
"Regnak, Judith, Regnak." You make us very glad we left at intermission (we hadn't had dinner yet). One great thing about the show was that we learned how to say "tears" in Hungarian.
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