After my unfortunate glove display, I wanted to show you a more successful knitting project. This is the Swallowtail Shawl by Evelyn Clark. I used some Fleece Artist Blue Face Leicester yarn that Rebecca had purchased by accident (wrong color), and made 21 repeats instead of the recommended 14 in the pattern. It is a nice size and a comfey thing to wear. I wore it to the opera and it was just the ticket. The opera house is often rather chilly, which seems a shame for all those ladies in their décolleté gowns. A nice thing about the Seattle Opera is that the dress code runs from very fancy glitter to very blue jeans. We, of course, dress at the lower end of that scale – at about the kilt and sweater level.
The shawl is gorgeous, and I especially like the colour as seen on my screen. I have never knitted anything like this and think I must find someone to do so for.
It was really pretty easy and fun. I have just started another shawl and it is not easy, and so far, not fun.
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