Monday, December 2, 2013

A Bittersweet Day

Ron and Liz greet me every day as I arrive!  

At last, a day long in coming, and both eagerly anticipated and dreaded at the same time.  Just as the day I graduated from nursing school was end of an long arduous slog - the closing of a chapter and the opening of a wonderful and exciting new one - and held a mixture of relief at a job done along with sorrow about the parting of so many colleagues, Saturday marked another chapter drawing to a close. And a closing which created similar feelings.  Nursing is difficult and stressful at times, but at all times, it is rewarding, giving one a sense of having a place in the world and of being able to improve the lives and well being of others. And Virginia Mason is, I think, one of the best places to be a nurse.

Darling Vinita was the first one to greet me when I first started as a unit secretary!

I will always remember Mary as being a big part of one of my happiest work days ever.

I don’t really enjoy being in the spotlight, and in groups, am usually striving to keep myself in the sidelines as an observer – “like a giant white mouse, creeping along the periphery” – as my husband used to say.  (I might add that we are both quite fond of small rodents, mice and rats in addition to the usual guinea pigs and gerbils, and so this was not the insult you might imagine.) Anyhow, in order to avoid attention, I refused to have a party, and had planned to just creep off, mouse like, into the work-world sunset.  But then, I could not do it.  So I made some cookies (a mini-party) and said goodbye to folks one at a time.  I had planned to take pictures of my dear fellow nursing staffers, but somehow, I ended up in most of them.  So this really must seem like a vanity photo shoot.  (As Karma, after the first batch, I dropped my camera and broke it, so some of the pics are from friend’s cell phones.)   I will miss seeing all these wonderful people every day, but I hope to see them occasionally in the future!    

Liz and sweet Apple

A gift from my dear Lovable Lizzy
As you can see, I work with a divine and divinely diverse of people.  These are only the last two days worth.  I'm sorry I missed saying goodbye (and getting photos) of so many others.  This is the first job I have ever had where one can truly say that there is not a single annoying one in the group.  I love them all!


Samos said...

You are soooo fortunate! I'm soooo envious! And to think, I graduated before you, but still have another 15 years to go!!!

Marta said...

Your blog reminds me of the words to the Spiritual Stacey sings....I've never seen such love etc.
You are a great person who deserves to have great friends.

Laura said...

These pictures are wonderful. I Best wishes to a most wonderful nurse and friend.

Mpowersea said...

Congrats to you dear Joanna and enjoy your well deserved retirement! I'm so glad I still get to see you twice a week!
xo michelle

I. F. said...

Yay for being able to do whatever you want all day long!

Dan and Julie in San Diego said...

Retirement is wonderful! Enjoy yours! I'm sure you will find interesting volunteer things to do when you feel like it, and lazy days to read and rest when you do not! Time to sew and knit more, too.

Unknown said...

Wonderful pictures and memories. I am glad to see you happy, I know there is sadness in your heart. Now you can knit all you want!