Thursday, July 18, 2013

A "Yay!" Day

Photo taken by A Twin when I couldn't get my camera to work.

As I said in my previous blog post, I lost my camera.  I had been going to post pictures from a Camino Walk through the Olympic Sculpture Park with The Twins, and another through the wilds of West Seattle with Laura. 

Longfellow Creek in West Seattle

I was not unduly upset, because (A), I had a cadre of friends and relations interceding with St. Anthony, and (B), I felt that it had to be somewhere in my house.  Once my mother went clothes shopping, and stopped at the grocery store on her way home.  A few days later, there was an unpleasant aroma in her closet.  Checking it out, she discovered a thoroughly thawed and bloody chicken among her many shoeboxes.  Horrified, she got rid of it and then immediately checked the freezer.  There was her new dress, still in its box, quite chilled, and neatly stowed in the meat section of the deep freeze.

I was quite certain that something similar had happened to my camera. The last time I had used it was on my outing with Laura, and while I couldn’t find my camera or the pouch which I transfer from purse to purse, I did have my Dumpling Dynasty coin purse which I keep with the camera.  I reviewed the day numberless times.  I searched the purse I had used over and over.  It is difficult to lose a camera in a purse, I know, but … whatever.  There was always a chance, knowing St. Anthony’s tricks and manners.  Sometimes he puts the lost object in the exact place that you have looked at least five times.  I looked in the my car.  No luck.  Finally, today after doing grocery shopping, I opened the boot to put the groceries in, and there was a totally other purse than the one I was positive I had used.  Just like our former president, I had misremembered.  Then I recalled considering which purse to take, given the length of our walk (very long,) the heat of the day (very hot,) and the stuff needed for the outing (seemingly a lot – bird books, plant books, refreshments, etc.) I had changed my mind at the last minute. 

Seaside flora

So now I am here to say, “Yay!  Thank you St. Anthony, and thanks to all my friends who prayed to him for me.”  He is an amazing fellow!!!!!

An artistic photo of an artistic thing in the Sculpture Park


I. F. said...

Yay! I'm glad it turned up. Those pictures of the Olympic Sculpture Park turned out pretty artsy!

Lia Nord said...

Lovely photos! I'm so glad St. Anthony helped you find your camera. Maybe he will help me find my cell phone. ;)

Laura said...

Yay! With all the petitions going on, maybe St Anthony looked my way too. I had a small unframed painting by a relative tucked away and have been looking for it all winter! Wednesday I decided to look again and walked right to it, lifted up one thing and there it was!!!

Marta said...

Love the sound of the recipes. Does Becca have recipes on her blog?