The most signal event is not really an event at all. I am reading Sylvia’s Lovers on my little ebook reader. This is signal in that I even have a reader, in that I got a book downloaded onto it, and that the book is Sylvia’s Lovers. As you no doubt know (or more likely don’t know, since it is not a best seller,) it’s by Mrs. Gaskell – authoress of Cranford which has recently been a Masterpiece Theater serialization. I have two very separate friends, one a literature professor colleague of my former spouse, and the other a well-read friend, who

The primary disadvantage of the ebook reader, in my mind, is that you have to actually turn it off when you go to sleep. Generally, I drift away to the land of Nod with my light still on, and my book still in my hand. When the book crashes to the floor, it wakens me, and I groggily turn off the light. This won’t do on two counts. The crash would be unhealthy for the device, and the battery would run down. I don’t know why this seems like such a pain, but it does. I need to get a separate book for the final few minutes of every day. That will solve my problem.
Very interesting post - per usual. My husband sent me an article about Huckleberry Finn which you would enjoy reading, I'm sure. Let me know your address and I'll pop it in an envelope.
I thought of you yesterday as I wobbled on a bicycle across the Ballard Bridge. FACE THE FEAR.
I left you a clever reply, but it didn't go through, and now I'm to spent to do it again... Darn.
I loved the ladies of Cranford on Masterpiece Theater but have never read the book. The blossom picture is beautiful.
I have not read the book but have seen both of the recent BBC drama adaptations. Loved it. I am very partial to period drama.
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