Wow! I haven’t written anything for a week. The week was very humdrum. Maybe that was it. I went to work, I came home, I went to work, I came home, etc. But there was one event. Poor Margaret had a sore toe, and so on Thursday, Rebecca and I took her to see her doctor. Her
Uncle Leslie loved to go to the vet, and in fact, if the cat was going, he carried on so that we had to take him as well. Margaret does not feel this way. If she thinks the cat is going, she says, “Hah! Better you than me!” When she does go, she always behaves well, because she is that sort of dog, but she makes it clear that she would rather be elsewhere. This time, she had a “nose to toes” exam, and it was obvious that she found it very intrusive. The vet even sniffed in her ears. (Ick!) Her defense was to pretend that none of this was happening, and to stare off into space as if in another realm. Once her physical was done, and she had be

en a good dog, there were treats, so she quickly returned to this world, and to full attention. Here she is with her mom, and is saying, “Thank

goodness that this undignified ordeal is over!”
Afterward, Rebecca and I went to the
Vegan Loving Hut (!!) and had vegan mackerel. It was wonderful. It was some sort of gluten thing with a seaweed coating. Very fishy, and very tasty.
Glad to read Margaret is okay.
The other realm - what a great defense mechanism! Looked like a fun day afterwards with treats for animals and their companions.
I've been in that other realm, though I didn't see Margaret there. I'm glad she is doing better. She's a real cutie!
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