Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Easter Friday

Cherry blossom carpet

I’ve made many little mental blog entries but never seemed to have time to make real ones.  It’s yet another instance of seeming really busy, while in the end, having nothing to show for it.  Not even much knitting or reading!  Just dithering about. I’ve had lots of company.  That must be it!  Ana and I had a fun day knitting, catching up on Jonathan Creek, and taking a pleasant walk to Chinatown and the Panama Hotel (my new favorite) for tea. In years past, every Holy Thursday after Morning Praise, Rebecca, Tom, and I walked through the Denny Woo Garden to Chinatown and had lunch at Hing Loon.  

Pea Patches in Denny Woo Gardens

But Tom got sick and Rebecca got a job, so we had to go on other days during Holy Week, and finally we didn’t go at all.  I am always urging someone or another to walk to Chinatown with me during Holy Week, but it was no go this year, so I settled for Easter Week. 

Some residents of the garden

The weather promised to be awful, but we had a welcome sun break (sort of,) a fun walk, yummy tea, and a bit of knitting in a cozy atmosphere, and an almost finished mitten for me, along with sock progress for Ana. 
Ana's tea looked mysterious and flowery.

Mine looked like tea ordinaire

Home again, home again, joggity jog!


Marta said...

What a beautiful photo of a lovely place. I have never been there.
I must get out of the woods,

Laura said...

The carpet of cherry blossoms is beautiful!