I mentioned to my Aunt Pauline that Rebecca and I were taking Bunny to the doctor the next day, and Pauline asked what Bunny’s symptoms were. “Her main symptom is that she is grumpier than usual,” I told her. “It’s a good thing you don’t have to go to the vet every time that happen to you!,” Pauline said. I was offended, but Rebecca was rudely amused.
Bunny, as those of you who know her well are aware, can be a sweet and affectionate kitty, but, when feeling misused, can also be a bit of a terror. At the vet, to my surprise, she was quite placid while they were taking her temperature, and we feared this might be a sign of a serious illness, but when the general exam began, Bunny objected quite loudly — one might even say, violently. I was, I’m afraid, unmoved, but Rebecca, more tender hearted, felt sorry for Bunny, especially when the assistant got a special little red cat mask that covered Bunny’s eyes, and more importantly, her teeth. She also got some huge leather gauntlets to guard against those talons. Bunny was emphatic in her protests. This reminded me of Michael Ryan, who when taken to the vet, always had to be taken into the back and be put in the stocks, while Rebecca and I waited in the reception area. We, and everyone else in the building heard his shrieks of protest. I was mortified and a little disgusted at such behavior, but when I looked at Rebecca, she had tears dripping down her cheeks. She did love her naughty kitty. I must add that at all other times, well - almost all other times, Michael was a well-behaved, loving kitty.
Funny, my kitties never required leathers, so I wasn't even aware they existed, but now it seems obvious that they would. That Pauline is quite clever and quick...
We can never manage to get Frosty the Wonder dog's mouth contained before he takes a chunk out of someone at the vet. They need stocks for dogs! I am all for the miraculous healing that often occurs at the vet.
That Bunny is an unholy terror! Glad she is OK. Tommie and Hairy are so good at the vet that the other assistants come over to pet them. Especially Hairy.
I'm very glad she's OK! Our two older cats act like total idiots at the vet. Zoe lived there almost a month, so it's like home to her, she walks around like she owns the place.
Michael and Michael are such a cute couple.
Only you would name one of your pets after Father Ryan. He seems to be fine with it.
The part that would make me really sad is the bill.
Michael was named Michael independently of Fr. Ryan. Actually, my mother wanted to name me Michael, in which case there would have been three of us. But Msgr. Ryan, at my baptism, refused, saying, "That's a boy's name. Think of something else." My father said that he was thinking of Joanna, and Msgr. Ryan said, "Joanna it is."
I enjoy your posts - glad the cat is as feisty as ever.
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