Tuesday, June 26, 2012

A Very Fun Evening

“Wherever the Catholic sun doth shine,
 There’s always laughter and good red wine.
At least I’ve always found it so.
Benedicamus Domino!”

Look closely, and you can see the electrical towers!

That was certainly true this evening! Well, actually, there was laughter and lemonade.  It was the second official Camino Seattle walk, the first for Beautiful Beacon Hill, and the first for me.  And what fun it was.  We were supposed to walk and pray, as do the pilgrims on the Camino of Santiago de Compostela do, but after an initial prayer, we primarily walked and had fun.  Corinna and Maria, our leaders, found a picture of pilgrims walking along the route in Spain, and it could have been a picture of our very walkway on beautiful Beacon Hill, even with the electrical towers. 

 There were pilgrims of all ages.  Oldsters like me, and three in strollers!


Laura said...

Beacon Hill looks amazingly rural in your nice picture despite the electrical towers and similar to the Camino picture except for the June wear jackets in Seattle

I. F. said...

I wonder if the Camino in Spain is as fun as our Camino? You got great pictures. I can't believe the little redhead stood still long enough to have his photo taken.

Marta said...

Good for you Joanna. You are traveling towards Sainthood.
I would love to do that but do not want to drive to Seattle.Maybe
I'll have my own in our woods.