As I said a few days ago, I was going to be overly busy for a while, and sadly, this has been true. All I have done is work, work, work. On Friday, I had one of the most awful patients I have ever had. I requested to go home after four hours, but no such luck. This evening, I had lovely patients, and of course the powers that be asked if I would like to go at half-time. I didn’t really want to as I had an exceptional group, but I am just a girl who can’t say “no.” To this sort of thing, at any rate. So I haven’t had any adventures really, except the awful patient, and I probably should not tell you about him. Confidentiality and all that. I have just been going to work over and over. On my way to work most days, I pass the house of Trixie. She sits on the porch like the little temple dog

that she is, guarding the portal. As I pass, she inevitably comes rushing down to the gate, barking ferociously. “Rrrrooowf, rrrroooowf,” she says. Then her mother comes out onto the porch, and says, “Now, Trixie! Don’t be like that! She’s your friend!” Should I meet Trixie on her walkies, she – not having her house to guard – is quite pleasant, and wiggles about looking for a pat or a scratch behind the ear. She and her mom look like Jack Sprat and Mrs. Sprat, except that they are, of course, both girls. I feel blest that I have a job I can comfortably walk to, as I enjoy the nice transition between home and work. And I enjoy greeting Trixie and being fiercely greeted by her each time I pass her house.
Trixie needs a diet! Very sweet looking face. What sort of dog is she? I see you refer to 'temple dog' but can't think what she is.
Awwww - a true and faithful friend:)
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